Brass Knuckles & More LLC

1720 Redwood Avenue

Grants Pass, Or. 97527   458-229-0646

Brass Knuckles & More LLC

1720 Redwood Avenue

Grants Pass, Or. 97527   458-229-0646


How to have street smarts and always be prepared.

Street Smarts

There are many ways to defend yourself.

•There are lethal ways to do it.

•There are non-lethal ways to do it.


◦Gun             ◦ Brass Knuckles

◦Knife           ◦ Nunchaku



◦Stun gun                ◦Kaboton

◦Pepper spray     ◦ Pepper ball Gun

◦Plastic Knuckles   


Whatever you choose you will have decided between lethal or non-lethal. If you do choose lethal, you have to ask yourself, can you kill someone? Also, legal matters come into play if you do kill someone.


 If You Are A Victim Of A Violent Crime

1. Call the police.

2. Do not shower or change. You are a crime scene. The next few hours will   be extremely difficult. You will have to be photographed and processed. The more intact the evidence is, the easier it will be to get a conviction.

3. Get support. There are a variety of churches and government agencies that are there to support victims of violent crimes.

Understanding Violent Crime

The criminal picks victims based on ability, desire and opportunity. If you look like an easy target, and the risk of your attacker getting caught, identified or injured is low, they will strike. Remember, the more desperate they are, junkies and emotionally disturbed people (EDP) the more brazen they will act because their desire to get what they want will override all other factors in the criminal equation.

  If you can, always run. that is your first defense. 








Street Smart


Using a Knife, you should get self-training in tactical knife defense.

 Stun guns are a great tool to use, but you have to get close to the bad guy to do so. There are many options with the stun gun there are anywhere from small to baton and cane.

 Pepper spray is another good option. Because it comes in all sizes.

I recommend use Pepper spray with a stun gun together.

Situational awareness is a must, always know your surroundings.

When Walking be aware of your surroundings, look around make sure you are safe.

If you have a hoodie on don’t walk with the hood up, you lose peripheral vision.

Do not use ear buds because you can’t hear those around you someone walking up behind you can grab you and you would not have time to defend yourself.


When you approach your car always be aware of underneath the car, because the perp could be hiding under there. Also look in the back seat before getting in the car.

When putting a child in or out of the car seat be aware, because you are most vulnerable at this time. Do not put your keys on top of car.

Street Smart


Always survey your destination prior to it. If you are approaching a gas station, when pumping gas always have back to car, a store, an ATM, a restaurant or any other establishment (especially after dark), survey it prior to walking or driving there.


If you like to take walks or go for a run, do it in a lit area no dark streets.

If you have a dog, take them for a walk or run with you, dogs are a great deterrent.

Cell phones can get you killed. Never have your head buried in it while walking perps look for these things. Be 100% aware of your surroundings.


A perp will use a ruse to distract you, things like “Do you have the time.”

“Do you have a smoke.” Etc.


Always have your keys ready and your choice of weapon. Never get in the driver’s side if there is a van parked next to you.


Never go anywhere with your attacker. " You will most likely die.

If you are being attacked yell FIRE as loud as you can, do not yell help most people do not want to become a potential victim, people are more likely to come over and video a fire and criminals do not want an audience.


Always fight back, hitting the perp in the groin, knee, neck, use your feet, elbows.  Eye gouge.             

When approached by a perp, have an empty wallet to throw away from you. It will give you time to run.

Street Smart

How to prevent from being a target.

Become a tough target.

Also packages in the middle of a driveway, parking lot just drive around them it could be a kidnapping situation. 

1. Trust your instincts: If something feels wrong, it probably is-leave the area immediately

2. Report suspicious behavior: Call the police or security.

3. Be Aware: Always check your surroundings.

4. Keep mobile and alert: Do not overburden yourself with packages use a cart. Or make more than one trip.

5. Remember where you are parked: Write or put a text in your phone to remember where you park and walk with purpose and confidence.

6. Have a cell phone at your ready by have a predilated #: Be prepared to describe your location to police. Cross street, landmarks, and parking lot locations.

7. Leave the scene: As soon as you are approached. Run, even if the criminal is armed. The chances of getting shot is less likely.

8. Never trust your assailant: They will reason with you to get you to go with them or comply in some way. Remember, they are always lying.

9. Have your keys in one hand and your pepper spray in another: Personal alarms and pepper spray make great non-lethal defenses, but they will not do you any good if they are in the bottom of your purse or pocket. Keep your weapon in hand.

10. Take a self-defense class: Training helps you mentally prepare yourself.          

Now let me put this in perspective, not everyone is out to get you. If you are walking down the street and someone is walking towards you, if you feel uncomfortable then cross the street if they follow after you then take action, also into a open store to be safe if they continue to stay on the side you crossed from then probably not good to take action. 


If you have any questions, come on into the store and I can answer them and show you how to protect yourself